Daniel's Fund Ethics Initiative - High School Program

Kaitlin and Tanya's Story

Power Play
Using Power Appropriately
Discussion Guide
  • What was your favorite part of the game? What was your least favorite part?
  • Which scene stuck with you the most?
  • Did Kaitlin and Tanya's story remind you of something that you've seen in real life? What was similar? What was different?
  • How did playing Kaitlin and Tanya's story impact your mood?
  • Was Kaitlyn able to wield power effectively? What strategies did she use?
  • Have you ever had to wield power over a friend? How did you resolve the situation? How did he experience make you feel?
  • Imagine you were another server working at Gianni's Pizza. How would Kaitlin's treatment of Tanya impact your relationship with her?
  • Were you satisfied with Kaitlin's outcome? What about Tanya's outcome? Why or why not?
  • How would your friends or coworkers have reacted to Kaitlin's decisions? Would this change Kaitlin and Tanya's outcomes?
  • Play through the story again. Did Tanya's experience change based on Kaitlin's new decisions? Which play through had the better outcome?